About I Like VST


We know that sometimes it is complicated or tedious to go to the medical point every day to take your pills, sometimes the time is not convenient for you or you would rather take your medication before bed.

That is why the application "I Like VST" was created to facilitate the administration of anti-tuberculosis treatment.


Electronic File

Video monitoring

Your doctor

You keep in touch with a doctor who monitors your health status online.

Home Treatment

You can take the pills at any time without wasting time to go to the medical office.


You report in real time the adverse reactions that occurred during the treatment.

Mobile application I Like VST

  • Administration of treatment at any time
  • Video recording of the treatment
  • You will monitor your health status daily
  • Information about tuberculosis

Here you will also find encouraging messages from former patients who have gone through the same thing as you, information about the nearest TB office, where you can contact if necessary.

The purpose of this app is to bring your medical services closer and your duty is only to take the pills daily to complete the treatment successfully.

The application is free and available on Google Play




Centrul de Sănătate și Dezvoltare Comunitară AFI

str. Varsovia, no. 7, off. 2, Chisinau, MD 2060, Republic of Moldova


(+373) 620 210 20

To meet VST users and promptly support them when they have questions or face a particular problem we provide a customer support service.

We understand the complexity of your requirements in using VST, and for these reasons, Customer Support is committed to quickly resolving issues that arise, to meet your exact needs.

Data Security

Your privacy and security are very important to us and for these reasons we take every measure to provide protection, confidentiality and security of your personal data and account. We understand the complexity of your requirements in using VST, and for these reasons, Customer Support is committed to quickly resolving issues that arise, to meet your exact needs.

Înregistrarea confirmă respectarea cerințelor de securitate stabilite prin legislație și securitatea proceselor de prelucrare a datelor cu caracter personal. XXXXXXXXX este titular al licenței AA nr. 083835 pentru Servicii de creare, implementare și de asigurare a funcționării sistemelor informaționale automatizate de importanță statală, inclusiv a produselor de program eliberată de Agenția Națională pentru Reglementare în Comunicații Electronice și Tehnologia Informației.


This application was created within the project "The care model centered on people`s needs in Moldova: implementing digital methods for better adherence to treatment", supported by the TB REACH Initiative of the Stop TB Partnership, funded by the Government of Canada and the Bill & Foundation Melinda Gates, implemented by the Center for Health Policy and Analysis (PAS Center), in collaboration with the National Tuberculosis Control Program and AO AFI.